During the last renovation of the half-destroyed family house, you accidentally come across a dilapidated, half-decayed diary with yellowed pages with strange inscriptions in Latin. From its contents you understand that it belonged to your great-grandfather, but so far you had no idea that he could speak a dead language. Your attention is especially drawn to the following text:
"Et adferent gloriam est multitudo gemmarum congregentur,
per buried procul retro tempore,
ergo et vos cum patientia ac fide,
praeter alte fodito invenire.“
A friend of yours from NGDEK translates the passage for you, which more or less means the following:
"The treasure is a multitude of jewels gathered together,
buried far back in time,
therefore arm yourselves with patience and faith,
and dig deep into the past to find it.”
You begin to believe that your ancestor had a key to a hidden treasure, and you become determined to find it at all costs. You become a regular visitor to the city library and absorb all available information about the Roman Empire. You start collecting information about the presence of the Romans in these lands, you register in a number of online forums dedicated to the Roman Empire. After discussions with other forum members, you find that some of them have also found similar messages. You decide to contact them and offer them to explore together the hidden messages that may reveal the location of the alleged treasure.
As the participants in the expedition do not know each other well, everyone keeps their part of the puzzle until they have to reveal the next stop on the route.
Background note: Each participant receives a diary page with a message in Latin encoding a Roman-era settlement in the region. After visiting the respective place, missing information is added and the group is directed to the place indicated in the message of the next participant.
© National Tourism Cluster "Bulgarian Guide"