
Bogovinska cave was the object of research of numerous speleological teams due to the length and quality of the cave jewelry. Its morphogenesis was researched and explained in detail, but it did not have a conceptual design for use in tourism, neither in part nor in its entirety. The main researchers who published their scientific results were: S. M. Milojević (1938), Dragutin Petrović (1957, 1977), D. Petrović, Dušan Gavrilović, Milutin Lješević (1978), D. Gavrilović (1960). During many years of research, the mentioned authors elaborated on the speleomorphology of the cave and explained its genesis - the way of origin and evolution, and did a lot for its affirmation in professional circles and the public. In addition, they brought to light photos of fascinating cave jewelry, which no other large cave has. Almost 30 years have passed since then, when R. Lazarević (2007) investigated the entrance of the cave in the length of 821 m and made a project according to which the cave was arranged for tourist visits. He researched at the invitation of Svetolik Vučić (director of the Tourist Organization from Boljevac) and Dr. Nebojša Marjanović (president of the municipality of Boljevac). There were other researchers (ASAK, 1984, 1985), but their results were not available. New research, in the length of about 1 km and the development of a preliminary design, with elements of the construction project, were agreed at a meeting in Belgrade on February 2, 2007, which was attended by N. Marjanović, Svetolik Vučić and R. Lazarević. Regarding the research of the Bogovinska cave, it is especially surprising that Jovan Cvijić did not know about this longest cave at that time. On the territory of the municipality of Boljevac, he explored several caves in the basin of the Radovanska river, then Ledenica on Rtnje, Devojačka cave near Podgorac and several times he was near the Bogovinska cave. The reason is that the locals did not inform him. They kept it for their own needs: shelter, refugees. At that time, only the entrance to the cave was known (about 1000 m), and it was only possible to go further through the water siphon. But during dry years, when the water swells or dries up, one could enter the main canal. S. M. Milojević (1938) pointed out the importance of brachialis (short cracks that cut only one limestone layer), the appearance of meanders in the Main Channel of the Bogovinska Cave. D. Petrović (1957) explored the Bogovinska cave in the length of 3118 m and pointed out the main stages of its morphological evolution. According to him, the current view (opening on the ceiling) was the ascending source of the Bogovinska river, which flowed through the cave. In later research, he discovered some more parts of the Bogovinska cave and thus increased the length of the cave to 3157 m (1961). D. Gavrilović (1960) investigated the underground hydrographic connection between the abyss of the underground Bogovinska river and the springs, which appear in the galleries of the coal mine ""Bogovina"". D. Petrović, D. Gavrilović and M. Lješević, during 1975-1976. years. they discovered new cave channels, in the length of 1503 m, so that the total length of the Bogovinska cave is 5020 m. R. Lazarević, Boško Paunović and Sveta Ilić, explored the planned part of the cave, from 7 to 11 February 2007. In addition to them, miners also participated in the research. The coal mine provided special assistance.