Legend has it that in ancient times these lands, along with humans, were inhabited by magical creatures - demigods, dragons and halls, fairies, witches and usurpers, orcs and goblins, dwarves and giants. As a result of natural disasters, confrontations and destructive magic, they were gradually wiped off the face of the earth, but evidence of their presence is still found today - both in the bizarre forms of a number of natural phenomena and many mysterious legends still transmitted mouth by mouth from the locals.
Fascinated by these legends, the American billionaire Richard Brains is obsessed with the idea of finding evidence for the existence of magical beings, believing that they bury the secret to eternal life. After years of research, generously funded by the Brains Foundation, his team has identified 5 regions that reveal evidence of the presence of mythical creatures, namely: Iceland, Yellowstone (USA), Egypt, Lake Grocery and the Balkans. For the detailed study of these areas, expeditions were formed, composed of local independent researchers, to visit and study selected locations in certain regions and to find evidence of the existence of mythical creatures.
The map of the studied region was specially prepared by the brain trust of the Foundation. The secrecy of the Mission is extremely important and therefore only the group leader has a copy of the map. The participants in the expedition do not know in advance the route they will take, and their goal is to provide Brains with comprehensive information about their findings. Researchers can use any means, and especially valuable for the expedition are photos, drawings, legends, historical stories, etc. The information from each participant should be summarized in the form of a travelogue.
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