RHM – Pernik was established as a city museum in 1953, and four years later, the first exhibition was opened. In 1968 it became the District Historical Museum. Its character is general history and has archaeology departments, ethnography, Bulgarian history 14-19 century, new and recent Bulgarian history. The museum has a restoration studio. Special attention in the funds is paid to the numismatic collection, icons, bead pottery, weapons, etc. The permanent exposition of the museum was last renovated in 1978.
Among the main sites of RIM Pernik is the Museum of Mining, which opened in 1986. It is an underground mining gallery of the "Old Mines", used from the late 19th to mid-20th century. The museum has a multimedia hall. The "tree of happiness", which the miners touched for luck when entering the mine, is also preserved.
A priority in the museum's activity is to popularize the material and spiritual heritage of the region through the permanent exposition and by organizing temporary thematic exhibitions, presenting undisplayed exhibits from the fund and numerous visiting exhibitions from the country and abroad.