
The farm is located between the villages of Slavinja and Rosomač. It was established in the eighties of the last century as the farm "Bele vode"; it had a projected capacity of 5,000 sheep and goats, and thus was one of the largest in southeastern Serbia. The Velimirović family has recently bought a farm near Rosomač, now with the name "Eva". At the moment, the family consists of Marija, Žarko and one-and-a-half-year-old Mina, but it will soon be richer by at least one more member. Last year, they decided to come to Stara Planina, and since August, they are residents of the village of Slavinja, while their daughter Mina is, if not the only one, then for now the youngest child on that mountain. Their intention is not only to be the owners of the farm "Bele Vode" and flocks of sheep and goats, but above all to draw other people by their example, who like to return everything they take from nature in some way. There are currently 700 sheep on the farm, and this year the number should increase to 1,000.