The meat of Bio Angus Group is 100% natural and healthy. We mainly specialize in breeding and rearing beef cattle, maintenance of bio-certified pastures and meadows, production of high quality fodder crops and production of the highest class premium meat. Our beef is produced from cattle under the selection control of the Aberdeen Angus breed (Black Angus and Red Angus). The mother cows give birth to the calves in a completely natural environment on the pastures, which are bio-certified by a German certification company. There the calves suckle and graze freely without stress, without medication and without hormones. The food sources (grasses and shrubs) and deciduous tree species of our cattle are located in the most abandoned, but most valuable as biodiversity areas in Northwestern Bulgaria. In this way, the natural resources of these wild areas at the foot of Mount Vedernik are transformed into premium meat. The virginity of nature and the clear water of Stakevska River guarantees that the Angus beef that our customers receive is the most proven organic product with excellent texture, unique tenderness and unique taste.