Textile museum


Category Heritage
Ownership state
Type of protection Legally protected
Present use Museum.The Textile Museum in Strojkovce was declared as a cultural property in 1980 – a cultural monument.
Past use A braid factory.
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The first braid factory was opened in this village in 1884, which started the production of textiles, and thus the textile industry in Serbia was conceived. The braids were used to decorate folk costumes, embroidery on clothing and the production of clothing. In order to avoid customs import duties with Bulgaria, the people of Leskovac managed to procure the charks necessary for the independent start of production. The old Turkish mill rented by the Teokarevic brothers served as a place for production. The braid factory stopped working in 1896, when the charks were transferred to Leskovac to the fabric factory ""Ilić Popović and Co"". This product soon became known throughout the Balkans, and Leskovac itself, which expanded its textile plants and received the epithet ""Serbian Manchester"".