
The museum of carriages is located in the renovated building ""Traditional vehicles"", which is part of the Ethnographic - Revival complex ""St. Sofroniy Vrachanski ”. The production of modern vehicles is directly related to the name of Mito Orozov. This prominent self-taught citizen of Vratsa is one of the most enterprising Bulgarians of his age. He started working in a workshop for stoves, but a little later in 1883 he and a friend opened a workshop for freight carts. After buying his partner's share, he developed the business and built his own building - a factory that specifically meets the technical requirements of its production. It develops due to its persistence and strong flair. At a normal salary of one gold coin to a maximum of one and a half, Mito Orozov gives his workers five, which guarantees their respect and high results in the execution of orders. He is also the first Bulgarian to introduce a standard working day until 9 o'clock. Another innovation it makes is that it introduces a final price for its products that cannot be changed. This gives him the respect of his customers. Mito Orozov received a gold medal at the Plovdiv Fair in 1892 and a gold medal at the exhibition in London in 1907 for his models of carriages and convertibles, which were distinguished mainly by strength, comfort, lightness and elegant appearance. He also started making catalogs and advertisements, which attracted the attention of more serious clients and employers. People from neighboring countries come for the carts and carriages he produces, even the American company Ford was familiar with his works and wanted to hire him to produce the compartments of their cars. Mito Orozov's factory was destroyed by fire in 1923, in which he himself died.