
The natural landmark “Chuklite” are bizarre rock formations between the villages of Kameno Pole and Bresten. In the distance, the canyon is not visible in the flat field, but from its edge, a 90-meter precipice is revealed, at the bottom of which is the river, and the slopes are covered with vegetation. The southern slope is a vertical rock plumb, while the northern is more sloping and on it are formed rock landmarks. From west to east they are arranged in the following order: Kraskyovski Chukli, Kasapski Chukli and Tselkin Chukli in the land of the village of Kameno Pole and Chuklite, the Chamber and two groups of nameless Chukli west and east of them in the land of the village of Breste. Their height varies from ten to over 35 m, and the thickness at the base of the individual rock columns or cones is in the range of 5-6 to 10 m.