
The greatest wealth of Sokobanja are the mineral waters discovered in Roman times, on which today rests almost the entire development of local health tourism. The thermal springs of Sokobanja are among the best in the country, and in terms of healing and action they are compared to the waters of the Austrian spa Bad Gastein and Pfeferske toplice in Switzerland. The very legend of the origin of Sokobanja preaches about the miraculous power of its waters. According to the legend, ""in ancient times, a mighty nobleman, the lord of the hard Sokograd, rode through the valley"". Suddenly, the sky over Ozren darkens, lightning flashes from Oštra Čuka, thunder rumbles and the earth tremble all the way to Šiljko on the harsh Rtnje. The frightened hat jumped, the rider fell and lost consciousness. When the lord of Sokograd regained consciousness… he could not lean on his feet… Suddenly, the gurgling of a water key was heard… When the nobleman drank the first sip of water from the spring, everything immediately cleared in his head. When he puts his right hand in the water, the strength in it comes to life. When they see that, they bathe in a well in a gentleman's suit, heal immediately - it is part of the legend. It is stated that at that time a voice was heard about the healing water, and that people ""came from all sides"", and those who suffered the most built houses there.