
The museum in Majdanpek was established in 1998 with the independence of the Department of the Museum of Mining and Metallurgy from Bor, opened in Majdanpek in 1984. It started operating on January 1, 1999. The mission of the museum is to research, process, preserve and exhibit the material, spiritual and natural values of this area with a special emphasis on archeo-metallurgy and the traditional customs of the Vlachs. The museum nurtures the cultural identity of the Municipality of Majdanpek as the European homeland of metal, and at the same time the most archaic customs and beliefs have been preserved on its soil. The activities of the Museum in Majdanpek include research, education and presentation in the fields of ethnology, archeology, history, art history, archaeometallurgy and natural heritage. The activities are carried out through several strategies, such as internet presentation, permanent exhibition and thematic exhibitions, stimulation of the economy based on cultural heritage and journalism and publishing. The funds of the Museum in Majdanpek include: - Copper mine Majdanpek recognitions, awards plaques: 60 units - Majdanpek Photo Club with RBM Information Service: 3000 - Rudna Glava Magnetite Mine: 2500 - miscellanea (churches, schools, settlements): 500 acts (1100 sheets) - copies of documents from other museums and archives: 1800 - genealogies of Gornji Poreč, Majdanpek and Gornji Pek, extracts from church and registry books and the like: 2200 units, and a total of about 10,400 items in collections, study collections and funds and 986 items were entered in the register. The professional library has 3124 biographical units, the field documentation has 127 folders and 8 volumes of field diaries of 200 pages each, while the media library can consult the documentation from field research and reconnaissance, as two awarded ethno films. The permanent exhibition of the Museum in Majdanpek, In the homeland of metal, mining through the centuries in Majdanpek and its surroundings, is the concept of the author: P. Durlić. It is divided into several thematic units: 1. Geological period, with exposed maps and selected specimens of ores and minerals. 2. Eneolith (V millennium BC), which implies the beginnings of European mining and metallurgy, with significant localities of Rudna Glava, Bubnja, Pustinac, Prauri and Kameni Rog. 3. The Bronze Age (II millennium BC), which includes finds from the Kraku Loški site 4. Ancient period (VIII century BC - IV century AD), localities Kraku lu Jordan, Kaluđerica, Kljanc, Četaće, Pustinac, Majdanpek 5. Byzantine period, localities in the area of Donji Poreč 6. Saxon period (XIII-XIV century), covered by toponymic materials (maps) 7. Turkish period, I (1560-1718), where maps, weapons, jewelry, numismatics, furniture and archives are exhibited. 8. Austrian period (1718-1739), maps and location of settlements, mining sites and civilian buildings 9. Turkish period, II (1739-1817), archives 10. Preparation of Serbia for the renewal of mining, where the role of Miloš Obrenović and the mining travels of Herder and Heyrovski are presented. 11. In the hands of the Serbian government, where the beginnings of digging in Rudna Glava in 1848 and Crnjaki in 1849 are described, the break and transition to Majdanpek in May 1849, as well as the last unit called from flight to complete collapse in 1858 12. In the hands of foreign tenants, namely the French Society (1859-1866), the English Company (1868-1881), John Holway (1882-1885), Shodoar & co. (1885-1900), Women (1902-1903), Nameless Society (1903-1946) 13. Mining of the second half of the XX century, with models, maps, photographs, diagrams, documents, slides, video projections. 14. Donors, the last ""exhibit"" of the permanent exhibition will be a plaque with the names of the donors