The Sopovo locality is located on the Botunya River in the municipality of Varshets. The rock phenomenon is a narrow canyon with picturesque oval soft shapes - the so-called. abrasive wells. Due to its bizarreness in the legends, the area is considered a lair of fairies.
200 m from the canyon is an iron bridge, which passes the road Vratsa - Varshets. It was built in the late nineteenth century and has an interesting history. Prince Ferdinand went to Varshets, but crossing the Botunya River his carriage sank. The locals saved him, and he promised to build a bridge for them. He ordered it and the bridge was built by an Italian company, which gave a 100-year warranty for its construction. Despite the vicissitudes of the twentieth century in 1992, the Municipality of Varshets received a letter reminding that the warranty is expiring and it is time to check the bridge. The facility is known as the "Wonder of the Northwest."
The canyon with the abrasive wells of the Botunya River is located in the Sopovo locality, about 11 km from Varshets. Scientists believe that bizarre oval shapes, similar to wells and tunnels, formed at high water under the influence of water, which propelled small pebbles. The place is not easily accessible, it is not socialized, but it is meters from the main road Vratsa - Varshets.