
Why is the church and that place called Krepičevac? ”Miroslava Nikolić noted in 1955, according to Bojka Radosavljević from Boljevac, then 63 years old: People fled from the Turks and crossed Rtanj and Crna Reka and stopped near five springs. They were led by old Jablan, who suggested that they stay and live there, so they named the place Jablanica. But the Turks found them and did not allow them to build a church. That is why people agreed to find a secret place for the church in the woods far from the place where they settled. They found a beautiful slope and called it the Church Slope. There they built a church for themselves and came to pray to God. Once they hid there fleeing from the Turks, but the next time they came they did not find a church. Only a trace of where she was moved was seen. A shepherd tells them that one night he heard a great noise, shouting and breaking. And in the morning the church was not in the old place. Following in the footsteps of trampled grass and broken trees, people find a church next to a cold and clear spring. When they washed and drank water on it, the sick were strengthened. That is why they call the church and that place Krepicevac. "" The founder is considered to be the prefect of Georgia, Jan's son, who holds a model of the church on the donor's composition, next to him is his wife Zora, and next to her is his son Manojlo. George is considered to be the grandson of Radul Bey (1499-1508). The time of construction is connected to the end of the 15th century and the beginning of the 16th century. Historical writings about this monastery are rare. It is mentioned as active in 1761 and 1780. M. Đ. In the 19th century, Milićević mentions frescoes inside the church from 1761, and frescoes from an unknown age can be seen below it. A long period of time did not pass between the construction of Krepičevac and the nearby Lapusnja monastery, and it is assumed that both monasteries have the same founders. The fresco-painting is very valuable, so the monastery itself is one of the most important cultural monuments. The area of the remaining fresco-painting in the monastery is modest and dates from the first half of the 16th century. One of the latest medieval donor compositions in Serbia has been preserved. It is located on the north wall of the narthex, in the first zone. The personalities are dressed in the rich costume of their time. The character of the founder's wife Zora presents her as smart and courageous. He stands out in the anthology of Serbian historical portraits with his exceptional artistic vision.